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Thursday, January 28, 2016

Clockwork Blue

THIS was one of my favorite photo tableaus from a couple years ago...

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I manage to find the support and encouragement I need to binge watch TV.

I believe a home should be color-coded.

 Ask yourself this...which came first? The tape dispenser or the bird?
These photos really belong on my parakeet blog but they are just SO cute, I didn't want you to miss them!


Are you seeing this?

I was never able to do this on the rings - hang by my neck.
I tried wearing a harness...but I always just got tangled up.
So I reverted to what I did best...
 floating effortlessly while balancing on my neck...

I was an eye witness to the whole thing...

Egg shots...

It's almost 10:00 in the morning and I'm still sitting in the kitchen doing egg shots and drinking tea... 

Lonely looks like this sometimes...

About Me

My photo
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
This is where it gets REALLY bizarre....exactly the way I like it!